Term 4-Week 1

Welcome back, we all hope you had a fantastic and well deserved break.

Term 4 is an exciting term with our much anticipated trip to SS Great Britain.

This week, Dom from Somerset cricket came into work with us. He will be in every Thursday. The children learnt ball skills and the life skill of confidence, it was excellent.

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As writers, this week, we are learning what a biography is. We will be looking at the different features that make up a biography. Next week, we will be writing a biography on Florence Nightingale.

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As mathematicians, we are continuing our learning on division by dividing in 5’s and 10’s. We will be doing this by grouping and using our knowledge of the five and ten timetable.

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As scientist we will be looking at how our skeleton is used to protect us. We will be looking at a bone experiment where we will be looking at the use of calcium has on our bodies.

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As computer experts we have been starting to look at a new piece of learning and looking at hoe pictograms can be used to help us interpret data. We started with learning how to interpret and draw a tally chart.

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As citizens we have been looking at The No Outsiders book, ‘Can I join your club?’ We talked about how Lion felt when he wasn’t allowed into the other clubs. We talked about how someone might feel if it was at school. Lastly, we talked about how we could include others into our games.

As Artists, we have been learning how to print and how it conveys different meaning. Come in and have a look, our prints are stunning.

Term 4-Week 1 Term 4-Week 1 Term 4-Week 1  Term 4-Week 1