Term 4 Week 4

Wow! What a great week.

Look at these fab red nose day pictures!

Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4

This week Year 2 have been busy learning poems, adding and subtracting numbers whilst learning about being healthy.

We started our week working together as a team. We talked all about communication and what makes us a good team. In PSHE we had the opportunity to learn a new skill and achieve this in a group. Some of these skills were learning to count in french or Mandarin, learning the Macarena and memorising a poem.

Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4

Over the last 2 weeks we have been amazing artists and learning all about different prints and creating our own. Last week we used tin foil to do this and this week we have started designing our polystyrene prints. Keep an eye on next week’s blog for our final piece. Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4