Term 4-Week 6
We can’t quite believe it is the last week of term!
We have thoroughly enjoyed talking to you all about your wonderful children and the progress they have all made. Have a lovely Easter break! Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Easter Bonnet Parade. We loved seeing all of the fantastic creations.
Congratulations to our award winners for this term!
We said goodbye to Miss Garcia-Perez this week who was our student teacher in Jupiter Class but she also had the opportunity to teach Pluto Class for music and art. We will miss her but wish her all the luck in the world with her final placement at Haywood Village Academy.
This week has been all about writing a persuasive text about who has made the Greatest Difference. Your child has had to pick between Florence Nightingale and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Their writing is incredible.
It has been all about all things, Time!! We have been looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and 5 minutes. Can you ask your child what the time is.
Jupiter Class also had some Easter timetables maths to complete on Friday getting us into the Easter spirit.
We have been recapping all things we have learnt this term and their knowledge has been incredible.
We have been looking at how lighting effects a picture. We are getting so good at taking a good photograph.