Term 5 – Week 1

Welcome back!

Week 1

We have had a fantastic week settling back in our routine after our Easter break.

At the beginning of this week we investigated our new project for Term 5 which is called ‘What made London burn?’. We will be learning all about The Great Fire of London and have asked lots of questions that we will hopefully answer throughout our enquiry.

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In DT this term we will be learning about lots of different mechanism. This week we learn about pulleys and what they are used for, we then made our own using Lego.

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Term 5 - Week 1

Our new topic in maths is learning about fractions. This week we have focused on identifying equal parts and started to find a half and a quarter with different resources.

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In English we have been learning all about verbs and adverbs in sentences and how they can make our writing more affective. We played games to help act out different verbs and adverbs to help our understanding.

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Year 2 were very fortunate to be included in a cricket taster session this Friday. It was run by Tilly from Somerset Cricket Foundation to promote the Allstars and Dynamo sessions which are great and run at Uphill Castle CC. Your child has been given some information on this.

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Jupiter Class and Pluto Class learnt a new song in music and used our bodies to find the pulse and rhythm. We will be moving on to using instruments in the next couple of weeks.

Term 5 - Week 1


This week was the 10th anniversary of ‘The Daily Mile’ so the whole school did lots of laps around the track on Thursday.

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