Term 5 Week 2

What have we been up to this week?

Year 2 has had a busy week this week and have been doing some FANTASTIC learning!


We have continued our learning all about mechanisms this week and built a car focusing on how wheels and axels work.

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Pluto and Jupiter class this week have been spectacular scientists while continuing their learning about plants and what they need to be healthy. We planted some seeds and bulbs then placed them in our classroom where they would be able to grow to be healthy. Year 2 also predicted what might happen to cress seeds if they didn’t have light, warmth or water.  Come back next week to find out more about our predictions and any findings we have.

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On Thursday Year 2 joined the rest of the school for a wake and shake with Mr Motivator as part of our Big Run and Walk. We had the best time being active as a class and our favourite move was the funky chicken.

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Have a fantastic bank holiday weekend and we cannot wait to be back together on Tuesday!