Term 5 Week 5

What a brilliant week!

We have had a very exciting week in year 2. in English this week we have time travelled back to 1666 and we have written a diary entry all about our experience during The Great Fire. The children have thought of some amazing ways to describe what they saw, heard, smelt whilst telling us how they felt.

We have been learning all about shape in our maths lessons and being great mathematicians while working through our reasoning and problem solving.

Term 5 Week 5

Jupiter class investigated how we could put out the fire in London in 1666 and using our knowledge of mechanisms we have created a catapult. Pluto class will be designing and building there’s next week so make sure to check back here to see their designs. We will all be testing and evaluating our catapults next week to see if they would be effective for fighting The Great Fire of London.

Term 5 Week 5 Term 5 Week 5

We are still observing our plants in our classrooms and really are starting to grow to be big and tall. We will continue updating you. If you have any ways you are connecting with nature at home please let us know. It can be something you’re growing or a way you interact with nature.

Term 5 Week 5 Term 5 Week 5