Term 4- Week 5

Week 5

This week in Year 2 we have had so much fun coming to the end of our enquiry “Who has made the greatest difference?”. We recapped all of the brilliant things that Brunel and Florence Nightingale did to make a difference to our lives. We then started getting things ready for our exhibition next week, we can’t wait to show all of our fantastic learning!

Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5

In English we started by recapping wat we know about Florence and Brunel so that we could then justify why they are important using the word because. Following this, we debated as a class who did make the greatest difference. We used amazing language and listened so well to peers to then come up with counter arguments. All of the teachers were very impressed at both our debating skills and the amount of knowledge. We then spent Friday deciding ourselves and making a poster all about them.

Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5

As mathematicians, we continued our topic ‘shape’. We moved on to drawing shape, making lines of symmetry and then sorting 2D shapes.


 Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5

Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5 

Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5 Term 4- Week 5


Below is a link to a super fun Easter challenge that you may want to take part in. Bring it in after Easter to get your certificate!

Feel Fab Easter 2022