Term 5- Week 5

Week 5

What a fantastic last week of term!

In English we have been writing letters to King Charles II offering our advice on how he should rebuild London after the fire. We thought about how we would change the houses, the streets, St Paul’s Cathedral and more.

As Historians this week, we made a news report about the Great Fire of London. We recapped all our knowledge and put together a fantastic video. This will go up on our YouTube for you to watch.

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In DT, Pluto Class have designed and made a catapult to help put out The Great Fire of London. We tested it with pompoms and water and then evaluated our design.

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Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 

This week we celebrated Uphill Village Academy’s 150th Anniversary! Year 2 learnt about the 60s,70s and 80s in Uphill. We found out about the flood of 1981 as well as writing letters to people that came to school here in the 60s. We enjoyed our walk to the village hall to look at the exhibition and our special lunch on Friday! Here we are dressed in our wonderful costumes.

Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5

Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5  Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5 Term 5- Week 5