Term 5 Week 6

The Last week of term 5!

What a way to end a fabulous term. We have had beautiful weather and amazing, fun learning experiences.

We have continued with our learning about shapes this week in year 2 and have moved onto looking at 3D shapes. The children in Pluto and Jupiter Class were able to identify faces and other properties of these shapes while also counting them.

This week it was Pluto’s turn to have a go at designing our own catapults to throw water onto the Great Fire of London!

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To finish our What Made London Burn project we have created a news report speaking to eye witnesses and key people involved in the fire explaining all of the events that happened in 1666.

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We also did some artwork inspired by the fire!

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Jupiter class also had the opportunity to take a mindfulness walk around our school field and were able to connect with nature. They focused on their senses and then did some observational drawings of the nature they touched, smelt and saw around our field.

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Another update for our seeds and bulbs: They are growing beautifully and this weather is definitely helping. Some children may be given the opportunity to look after our class plants over half term so keep your eyes peeled for their return in term 6!

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We hope you have a relaxing half term and cannot wait to see the children again ready for our final term together.