Term 5 – Week 6

Our final week for term 5!

As a school we have had a ‘local history week’. In year 2 we focused on a significant individual George Muller who opened a children’s home in Uphill which is known as The Grange. We have loved finding out lots of information about George Muller, the history of The Grange and the impact he had on our local area. As a school we read the book ‘What the tree saw’ and we have created our own ‘The Grange Tree’ to show the history we have learnt about.

Thank you to the George Muller Museum in Bristol for sending us these fantastic books to help with our learning. Thank you also for assisting us in our planning for our Local History week along with The Uphill Village Society and Michael from Historic England!

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In maths this week we have learnt all about measurement. We have measured in centimetres, metres, compared lengths and ordered them. We have had so much fun measuring items in our classrooms and even measuring our school hall.

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Jupiter Class got themselves into height order.

Term 5 - Week 6

As writers we have written a letter to King Charles II (the king during The Great Fire of London) to advise him on how to re-build London after the fire. Some of our ideas were to build houses out of stone instead of brick and leave room between each house so if there is another fire it doesn’t spread as easily or quickly.


In ICT we went on an exciting minibeast hunt around our field and created a tally chart. We then inputted this data onto a pictogram to show our results.

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For our final week of games for understanding we shows our expert skills to play our games and successfully defend and attack.

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As scientists we finalised our cress diaries and found that for seeds to germinate and be healthy they must have warmth, water and sunlight.