Term 6- Week 1
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful half term. We can’t believe this is our last term with your wonderful children.
As writers we have been looking at our new book, ‘Rainbow Bear’ and we have begun this book by looking at how adjectives can be used to had incredible descriptions about the bear.
As mathematicians, we have been looking at 5 minutes to the hour and 5 minutes past the hour. If you could practise these and quarter past and quarter to with your child, this would be fantastic.
As scientists, we have started our new learning enquiry of ‘animals’. Firstly, we have begun by looking at grouping animals and what makes them belong in that group.
As geographers, we have been starting our enquiry and answering our question, ‘How the world is changing?’ We have been writing about what we know about this already.
As Computers, we have been relearning what Scratch is and how we use scratch to help us program a sprite.
As citizens, we have been looking at our new theme, Changing me. We kicked started our term with looking at a No Outsiders book, ‘Amazing’. We talked about what made us amazing and why it is good we are all different.