Term 6- Week 2
Week 2
What a lovely week in Year 2!
In English we have started our new book ‘Superworm’! We predicted what thought may happen , have done lots of book talk where we have discussed our likes and dislikes and then produced some brilliant character descriptions!
We have continued our new project of ‘How do animals survive?’ by investigating different local habitats. We looked at what you might find in woodland, coastal, pond and urban habitats. We then looked at minibeasts and their habitats and classified different ones.
In maths we have been finishing our time topic and have recapped everything we know. We also looked at what duration of time means and compared different lengths of time.
Pluto class loved doing some relay races in PE. We have all also done some practise for sports day activities which we are very much looking forward to!
In art we did some collaging of a a dragon fly, inspired by our science this week.