Term 6- Week 2
What a busy but enjoyable week we’ve had.
As Part of our enquiry and as geographers, we looked at the different climates around the world and identified some countries within these climates. As a group we then matched statements to the acclimate that described its weather.
In our guided reading lessons we read a challenging book with lots of new vocabulary so Jupiter Class used dictionaries to find out the meaning of these words.
As mathematicians we have been completing our last week of measure using ml and l. We have been estimating how many ml/l are in certain containers, our estimations were pretty accurate.
As writers we have been retelling our story-‘Rainbow Bear’ using a story s. We thought of story language and adjectives to go alongside our pictures. After that, we innovated the story (created a new character). Next week we will be writing our new version.
As scientists we have been looking at animals in our local habitat. We have looked at lots of animals and discussed where they would likely live.
As citizens, we have been thinking about who is special to us. We had a big discussion as to who they were and why. We then drew that person in a leaf.
In ICT we have inputted data into a pictogram, and answered questions based on the information we found.
In P.E, we were practising our agility through a ball chasing challenge with a partner!
We have loved the weather this week and have taken the opportunity to do some learning outside in the shade. Jupiter had fun practicing their spellings in the willow.
In Jupiter Class we had a very special show and tell. Elliott used his knowledge about The Great Fire of London from our enquiry last term and went to visit The Monument which was built to remember the fire. He practiced fantastic oracy skills when talking in front of his classmates.