Term 6 – Week 3

Term 6 – Week 3

We have had a very exciting week in Year 2 this week! We took part in our KS1 sports day and had lots of fun! We participated in a rotation of different activities and then enjoyed our running races at the end! There was amazing, effort and sportsmanship from everybody, well done!

Term 6 - Week 3  Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3


As part of our Science project, we have been learning all about minibeasts and we were lucky on Thursday to have a virtual meeting with Zoolab who were able to show us some incredible minibeasts and told us lots of facts about them!

Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3 Term 6 - Week 3