Term 6-Week 4

We can’t believe we only have a few weeks left with your lovely children.

Your child is absolutely loving this enquiry about animals. The learning is just incredible.

As Geographers in our enquiry lesson this week we looked at habitats around the world and investigated why these habitats are endangered. We understood that humans have a big part to play in this destruction. We looked at the photos on our tables and notice how sometimes an environment and habitat can change for the worse. We discussed what we saw and answered these questions.

What is happening in the picture?

Have you seen this before?

How might this harm the environment?

How will this affect the things that live there?

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As writers, we are looking at non-chronological reports. We will be writing one about a polar bear (from our book, The Rainbow Bear) and will be looking at why they are endangered, but first, we have to unpick what makes a a non chronological report so we can ensure these features are in our own reports. We started by unpicking a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like). This allowed us to then think of what we needed in our own report before planning and writing it.

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As mathematicians, we are becoming really confident with statistics, this week we have created our own pictograms. We then have been interpreting pictograms and block graphs to find out different information.

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As scientists, we have been researching animals and their different habitats and why they can survive in that habitat. It has been fascinating to find out that fish (depending on species) decide to live in shoals to increase protection for predators but some fish live alone. We found it fascinating that both can thrive because they’ve adapted to live like this. We then created a collage of different habitats.

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As citizens, we have been looking at what makes us unique and us. We have talked about the differences between male and female body parts and discussed the terminology of them.

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As computer experts-we have been finishing off our amazing learning on pictograms. We have been looking at presenting our data in different ways by using block diagrams. We were really interested at how different they looked to pictograms. Next week we will be looking at Scratch and recapping what we learnt about in the Autumn term and adding more to our skills set.

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In PE we have continued with our sports day practice which is happening next Thursday (6th) and also using our ball skills to increase our fitness and technique.

Term 6-Week 4 Term 6-Week 4