Term 6-Week 6
Penultimate Week
We can’t quite believe it is the penultimate week! Where has this year gone!
On Monday, we were fortunate enough to watch year 5/6 production. If you are coming to watch it, you are in for a treat. It was exceptional.
On Wednesday, we had our transition to year 3/4, your children were incredible, as always. We hope they enjoyed their time in their new classes with their new teachers.
As writers, we have started our new theme, persuading. Over the next two weeks, we will be looking at writing a persuasive piece of writing on whether we are for or against animals living in zoos.
As mathematicians, we are finishing our brilliant learning on position. This week we have been looking at how this effects shape and the patterns they make. Towards the end of the week, we will be revisiting time; quarter past and quarter to and what happens when we go past the hour.
As citizens, we have been talking about our changes and what we are looking forward to about next year and growing up.
As computer experts we have been learning about outcomes in different apps. The outcomes help us to programme characters or sprites in Scratch Junior. We looked at how some programmes could be made smarter by reducing the amount of times we used that button and replacing it with a repeat button.
As geographers we conducted some fieldwork to answer the question ‘How does our school help the environment?’ We walked around the school, taking photos of different things our school does to help or things we could improve on!
In PE we have continued looking at our fitness, we challenged ourselves to move items from the floor onto our belly or back.