Term 6 – Weeks 1 & 2

Welcome back to Term 6!

We have had an amazing first 2 weeks back and have been learning all about our new project!

For term 6 our new project is called ‘What makes animals amazing?’

We will be learning about all animals no matter how big or small, in our local area and around the world. So far we have shared anything we know already about our topic and have asked some very important questions. We now also know how to identify whether something is alive, dead or never alive, for example a tree is alive but an apple taken off a tree is dead and water had never been alive.

This week we have focused on what animals and plants can be found in our local habitats and even went on a plant hunt around our school field.

Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2


Our new book that we are reading is called Superworm by Julia Donaldson and we have explored the book and written a piece of writing persuading the evil Wizard Lizard to release Superworm from his spell. Next week we will be writing our own versions of the story, so check back in to read some examples.

Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2

In maths this week we have been learning to add two numbers together using a variety of skills. These include using our tens frames, number bonds and number lines. Both Pluto and Jupiter Class have become experts in this.

Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2

In Jupiter Class we have also been practicing our maths by playing our new favourite game Mathopoly! We had so much fun working together to play this game.

 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2

And finally, an update on our plants. They were certainly looked after well over the half term break and have come back even bigger! We are excited to keep watching them grow over the next few weeks.

Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2 Term 6 - Weeks 1 & 2

Have a lovely weekend!