Term One-Week 4
Another brilliantly, busy week! Your children are a joy to teach.
As writers, we have been learning our new book, ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ and remembering key events and using story language to help with our retelling. We have then created a story s and drawn the pictures to help us retell the story. Our pictures are exquisite. This will help us next week when we retell the story using words.
As mathematicians, we have been using our knowledge of the number line to estimate where a number might go. After this, we looked at comparing objects which then led to comparing numbers using more than > sign, less than sign < and equals to = sign.
As PE experts, we have been learning about balance and ways we can balance.
As geographers, this week we explored OS maps, symbols and keys. We looked at a map of Uphill and tried to see which OS symbols we could spot from our key. We also tried to see if there were any others on the map we could find. We discovered that FB means footbridge!
As scientists, we have been investigating solids. We have been researching questions, such as, ‘are all solids hard?’ We have learnt that not all are hard and some can be malleable and some can be poured (initially we thought liquids were the only ones that could be poured). We will then next week, sort solids into these different categories to help us answer the question.
As a citizen of Uphill Village Academy, we have been looking at how we feel when we are rewarded for something. We have been looking at rewards in and out of school we might receive and how they make us feel. We have then been discussing rewards we feel are better than others and why.
As computer experts we have been looking at IT outside school and what they might look like and how we could identify them.
As artists we have been investigating tone by using different mediums.