Term Two- Week Four

Another busy week in year 2. We are busy practising our carol service and we can’t wait for you to see it.

As geographers, we had an exciting lesson going out to look at Uphill coastline, ready for us to compare to Shanghai coastline. We looked at the human and physical features that we could see.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four

As writers, we have been looking at our to write a letter. We have been writing as the snail to the snails back home about our experience.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four

As mathematicians, we have been looking at ways we can add 10 to a number by using our knowledge of number bonds to 10.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four

As scientists, we have been looking and using our knowledge of solids, liquids and gases and sorting materials into these categories.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four

As citizens, we have been following on from our anti-bullying week about how to be a good friend. We worked on friendship lines to show what a good friend is.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four

As computer experts, we have been continuing our work on how to take a good photograph depending on the lighting. We then retook our pictures once we had evaluated what needed improving.

Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four Term Two- Week Four