Welcome Back
We would all like to take the opportunity to welcome you to Year Two
Staffing of our classes
Pluto – Mrs Counsell, Mrs Henry, Mrs Preston and Mrs Headington
Jupiter – Mrs Maynes
Mrs O’liffe our teaching partner will be working with both classes.
The children have settled down well into their classes and are busy making new friends.
During week one, we played lots of different getting to know you games and we listened to the story, ‘Can I join your club?’ We discovered that it is important to celebrate our differences and that sharing is caring.
We are also getting used to their new daily routines which are very different to those in Year One. We talked about our class rules and created our class contracts.
Making a class contract
Sharing is caring
Getting to know one another.
Our enquiry for terms 1 and 2 is ‘Where in the World are We?’ so we are being Geographers. In this enquiry, we will be finding out more about our locality and the wider world. This week we have been looking at globes, atlas and maps. We used maps of Uphill to locate lots of different places such as our school, the hospital, the Plantation and the beach. We then decided whether these places were physical or human features.
In English we have been busy learning about nouns, adjectives and using commas in lists. We have been on a noun walk outside and we have used adjectives to describe different objects and also our friends.
We found lots of different nouns whilst getting the change to have some fun.
During our maths lessons, we have have been counting to 100 in tens and we have been using apparatus to make two digit numbers.