Welcome to the Pluto & Jupiter Class Blog

Welcome to the Pluto & Jupiter Class Blog

We hope you have had a lovely summer break and we are so excited to see you all and welcome you back for a new school year!  Lots of things will be the same as you remember them with a few small changes to help keep you safe. We will be able to talk through all of this with you when we see you. We are so looking forward to seeing you all and starting some brilliant learning with you.

Meet the Team

Pluto Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Lorimer
Teaching Partner: Mrs Oliffe
PPA Teacher: Mrs Haberfield (Wednesday afternoons)
PE: Tuesday and Friday

Jupiter Class

Class Teacher: Miss Ware
Teaching Partner : Mrs Cobley
PPA Teacher: Mrs Owen (Friday afternoons)
PE: Tuesday and Wednesday


Reading books will be changed every Monday where your child will be sent home with two books to read throughout the week. If there is anything you would like us to know please don’t hesitate to leave us a note in their diary.