Who has made the greatest difference? Terms 3 & 4
Term 4 – Week 3 (Our first week back together!)
We have had such a wonderful week settling back in to our learning and routines! It has been lovely for everyone to see their friends again and enjoy being back in the classroom together. We have written some great stories based on Brunel’s life and learned about how he has impacted our local area! We had fun making freeze frames of the different parts of our stories!
Term 4 – Week 2!
We have enjoyed another wonderful week with all of you online and in person. We have enjoyed learning about Brunel and we did some wonderful pictures of the SS Great Britain! Thank you as well for all your efforts with World Book Day and it was so lovely to see so many of you at our story evening.
We want to say a huge thank you for all your hard work through a very challenging time and we appreciate all the effort you have put into your learning over many, many weeks. You should all be so proud! We cannot wait to see you all back at school next week!
Term 4 – Welcome!
Welcome back to Term 4! We are so excited to see you again both in person and on screen! Thank you so much for making such a positive start to the term already and for the brilliant work you have completed so far!
Remember it is World Book Day next week, Thursday 4th March, and there are lots of ways you can get involved with this! Please see the poster below…
Term 3 – Thank You
Wow, what can we say?
First of all we would like to say thank you to all of the families for working so hard over this last term by keeping your children engaged in their school learning. It hasn’t been an easy time these last several weeks but you and our Year 2 classes have continued to impress us every day. We look forward to continuing our online learning for the start of term 4 with you all.
We are half way through our project now so will continue with this after half term. Below is a picture of our upcoming loops and our most recent loop circled. We have some exciting lessons coming up where we will be learning about a new significant individual and bringing all of our previous learning together.
Thank you once again and we hope you have a restful half term and we cannot wait to see you all in a week. Please enjoy some of the many highlights from this term.
Update – 5th January
Hello everyone, we are so sorry not to be seeing all of you as expected today. Please follow this link: https://uphillvillageacademy.clf.uk/blog/covid-absence-year-2/week-beginning-04-01-21-2/ this will take you to the COVID absence page for Year 2 where you can find the online learning for the week. There will be more information regarding home learning to follow. Speak to you soon.
Assemblies with Mrs Hodder will be uploaded on a Monday and Friday, please follow the link below:
Welcome back!
We hope you have all managed to have an enjoyable Christmas break and have enjoyed some lovely family time together.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our classes back this week and can’t wait to see you!
This term our project is ‘ Who has made the greatest difference?’ This is a history based project where we are looking at how life has changed since Victorian times. We also look at how significant individuals such as Florence Nightingale and Isambard Kingdom Brunel have influenced our lives today.
Please see our loops of learning to see our learning journey for the term as well as our knowledge organiser which sets out the key pieces of vocabulary and knowledge we are learning about this term.