Term 4- Week 1

Week 1

Welcome back to term 4.

As Historians we have started our new enquiry questions’ Which technology invention is the most significant?’ We have enjoyed going on a technology walk around school to spot anything that uses technology.  We discussed what we already know about technology and what we would like to find out about technology in the past.

Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1

In Maths we have been recapping numbers to 50 – we have talked about how many tens and ones are in each number. We have started to compare to numbers by using our comparison signs <, > , = and stem sentence e.g. 45 is less than 67. 45< 67. EYFS have been practising their number formation and looking at the composition of the number 7.

Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1

In phonics this week Year 1 have been learning alternative pronunciations for the ‘a’ sound e.g.  ai (apron), ar (grass) o (was). EYFS have been revisiting sounds oo, ar and or.

In English we have been focussing on writing questions using question marks. We have created questions we would like to ask grandparents when they come into school next week.

We have also had lots of fun celebrating pancake day: flipping sight word pancakes and making mixture!


 Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1

Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1

Term 4- Week 1 Term 4- Week 1