Term 1- Week 3
Week 3
What another lovely week in Rainbow, Sunshine and Saturn Class!
We have continued to use ‘My Map Book’ as our text this week, focusing on the Map of a face. We used mirrors and wrote some sentences to describe our faces using some fantastic adjectives.
This week as Geographers we went for a walk around the school to see what features we have at Uphill. We also used our Historian skills to discuss what we features we think may have changed over time.
We enjoyed going in to the hall for EYFS’ first P.E lesson this week! We practised moving in different ways and then we did some throwing and catching with our friends.
In art this week we explored using different media to create different kinds of lines. E.g- horizontal, vertical, crosshatching, zigzags and shapes.
EYFS have enjoyed making shape pictures this week whilst Year 1 in maths have been focusing on counting backwards.
EYFS have also loved starting phonics this week. We have learnt the sounds ‘s,a,t,p’ and have practised forming them. We then used the whiteboard to practise some too!