Photos from this week 7.6.21

We have had such an amazing week back after half term! We have started our project of real life heroes and have all got stuck in to learning all about them. We are preparing for some visitors next week so have thought of lots of fantastic questions to ask them.

We have also had some chick eggs arrive in an incubator to keep them warm. Hopefully in about 20 days we should have some hatchlings! We have learnt how to look after them and all about their development. We have also been talking about other life cycles too!

Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21 Photos from this week 7.6.21