Term 1- Week 1

Welcome back!

We are very excited for the start of another wonderful school year! This week we have enjoyed catching up with our now Year 1s and meeting all of our new EYFS children! They have settled in so well and we are excited for them to spend the mornings with us next week.  We enjoyed sharing some news and reconnecting with our friends.

Term 1- Week 1

As Uphill Citizens this week we have been enjoying the book “hello hello”. We discussed the book and how we can greet people and make new friends. We practised saying hello to our friends and played some games which was a great way to settle back in to school!

Term 1- Week 1


We enjoyed getting back into our learning and have been recapping the composition of numbers to 10 as Mathematians. As writers we have been practising the letter formations of our names.

Term 1- Week 1 Term 1- Week 1 Term 1- Week 1