Term 1- Week 3
Week 3
What a lovely week in EYFS and Year 1!
In phonics this week, Year 1s have been learning about adding suffix: ing, ed and er onto the end of words. EYFS have been learning new sounds- s, a, t and p. We have been blending words and writing letters.
We have also started a new book ‘ My map book’ . Below is a link to a video reading of the book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCkkgTSAA5U which links well to our enquiry this term of ‘Where is our place in the UK?. We have spoken about what it means to be a geographer and did some fieldwork around school looking at directions. We talked about North, South, east and west points from our school.
Year one in maths have been exploring two – digit numbers e.g. 56, 73, 24- we have made these numbers using straw bundles (of ten) and left over ones. We have also used tens and one blocks.