Term 1- Week 3
Week 3
What a lovely, sunny September week we have had! We have loved having EYFS in full time and we are blown away with how well they have settled in. We have had so much fun!
This week EYFS have enjoyed doing lots of gross motor activities such as climbing, cycling, digging and jumping!
They also did their first P.E lesson and were amazing at moving at different speeds and in different ways.
We loved running around the track for the first time this week too.
As Scientists, Year 1 have been exploring natural vs manmade materials. We discussed the differences and then looked at different materials to sort.
As writers this week, Year 1 used some incredible adjectives to describe the different houses in our book. We loved working out which houses our friends were describing.
EYFS have nailed the routines at school and have enjoyed coming in and practising writing their names this week.
As mathematicians this week, EYFS have been subitising up to 3- practising knowing how many of an object there are without counting. Year 1 have been counting backwards and finding one less than a given number.
Our first Talk Tuesday of the year saw us discussing what ‘good oracy looks like’. We shared some brilliant and practised speaking ready for next week’s Council Crew to start.
We have already built so many lovely friendships and we have seen so much thoughtful and cooperative play.