Term 1- Week 4

Week 4

What a fantastic week!

In phonics this week, Year 1s have continued learning to add suffixes to the end of words whilst EYFS have been learning new sounds- i, n, d. We have all got stuck in to blending words and writing lots of letters.

We continued looking at our book ‘ My map book’. Below is a link to a video reading of the book. We looked at the ‘map of my heart’ and discussed what would be in our hearts. We also spoke about what we like and dislike about the book before looking at the ‘map of my face’ page and describing our faces.

Term 1- Week 4


Year one in maths have been exploring numbers to 100 and counting in 10s. We have been finding missing numbers and looking at one more and one less. We have looked what makes up the two digit numbers and where we would place them on a number line.

We also took part in the ‘London mini marathon’ as a whole school. We had to run 2.6 miles which totalled 20 laps each around the track! We really enjoyed taking part throughout the week.

 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

  Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4  Term 1- Week 4

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4