Term 1- Week 4
Week 4
What a fantastic week in EYFS/Year 1!
We’ve been practising lots of Oracy skills in PSHE and talk Tuesday this week which has been fantastic to watch the children’s confidence grow. The Year 1s are enjoying going to council crew with the rest of the school to get involved in the discussions and the games.
As Geographers this week we have been looking at maps of Uphill to find out about the village. We’ve looked at different places and tried to spot familiar places, such as school, on the map.
In maths we have been looking at more and less, concentrating on explaining how we know and justifying our answers.
This week foundation have learnt sounds ‘i,n,d and m’ in phonics and have been practising writing CVC words. Year 1 have been learning about the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘er’ and practising writing some words with these in.
As writers, Year 1 have been learning about using ‘and’ to join words and clauses together. We designed a potion and had to write the ingredients using our new knowledge of ‘and’.
We’ve had great fun outside when the weather was nice this week, digging in the sandpit and drawing. We’ve also loved some activities inside when the weather hasn’t been so nice!