Term 1- Week 4

Week 4

We have had a wonderful week in EYFS/Year 1 this week! We have enjoyed the sunshine (when we could!) and have enjoyed lots of learning.

This week we introduced our new story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We discussed our likes, dislikes, wonders and connections. Then we thought of adjectives to describe the characters.

Term 1- Week 4

As mathematicians, Year 1 have been finding one more and one less than numbers to 20.

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

EYFS have been exploring 2d shapes, building pictures with them and talking about what they notice. Term 1- Week 4

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In Phonics this week EYFS learned new sounds i, n, m, d. We had a go at writing the caption ‘a tin man’.

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

This week EYFS have enjoyed some initial sound sorting. They looked at the picture and listened to the initial sound.

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Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

We have had fun practising our new letter formations in different ways, such as on whiteboards, with chalk and writing in salt!

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4

EYFS have enjoyed painting this week and making creative potions with different natural materials.

Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4  Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4 Term 1- Week 4