Term 1- Week 6
Week 6
We can’t believe how quickly this term has gone! EYFS have settled in so well and we have had another fantastic week of learning.
This week in phonics for Year 1, we have been learning to add the prefix ‘un’ to verbs and adjectives e.g. unzip, unwell. EYFS have learnt the new sounds- ck, e, u, r. As well as new common exception words: to, into. We have used our knowledge of initial sounds to write the first sound for pictures in our writing book.
In maths we have been looking at partitioning numbers and being able to reason and apply our knowledge. EYFS have been subitizing with dominoes and talking about positioning of numbers e.g- 2 blocks on top, 2 on the bottom and knowing that that is four.
As Geographers we used our classroom maps last week to direct each other around the classroom. We tried to include compass directions. We had to give clear directions to each other so that we didn’t bump into each other or items in the classroom!
As artists we have all learnt about Picasso. We looked at some of his work and then tried to create our own ‘one line drawings’ inspired by him.
We have been loving P.E! This week we went on an imaginary bike adventure to practising moving in different ways.
We have had great fun mark making with paint, crayons and chalk. We have also enjoyed playing and learning outside with our friends in the lovely sunny weather we have had this week.