Term 2- Week 2
Week 2
This week has been exciting and very busy! We engaged in lots of activities around Children in Need, Remembrance Day, and Anti-Bullying week, while also diving starting to a new science topic!
This week in phonics EYFS have learned new sounds : j, w, v, x
Year 1 have learned new sounds: oy (toy) ir (bird) ue (glue) ue (cue)
In English we had a debate about which is best: technology or living things. We then wrote up our discussion giving our own view point as well.
As mathematicians, Year 1 have been starting to work on subtraction. We have thought about taking an amount away and how many are left afterwards. We have used our part part whole grids to support this learning. A key focus this week for EYFS has been deepening their understanding of 5 as a quantity by linking the number itself to the 5 fingers on one hand. They have also been thinking about measurement by comparing heights and lengths.
As Historians we have found out about the first TV and first tv broadcast. We were amazed at how small the first tv was and that it was in black and white!
As scientists we are looking at magnets this term. This week we explored magnets and magnetic materials in the classroom.
We have enjoyed the sunshine this week in our outdoor learning area!