Term 2- Week 2
Week 2
In phonics we have been learning new phonemes (sounds). EYFS have learnt j, v, w, x and Year 1 have learnt sounds oy, ir and ue.
In Maths this week Year 1 have been using part whole models to find different ways to make numbers.
As scientists this week we looked at the weather in different seasons and investigated how rain works. We drew the water cycle and then wrote sentences to explain it. We also investigated how the rain effects different terrain such as sand, soil and rocks. We predicted what we thought and then experimented to find out.
As Geographers we started looking at the countries within the UK and the seas that surround the country. We have started with England this week and looked at the capital city, London.
We had an assembly to find out about Remembrance day on Friday and joined in with the 2 minute silence. We also engaged in some activities to help us remember.
Thank you to everyone who attended our phonics morning. We loved having you in to watch and hopefully you found it useful. The slides from the powerpoint are below if you would like them.