Term 2 week 3

Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3 Term 2 week 3



This week we have looked at a new class book ‘ Journey’

This book has no words so we had to look at the pictures to create the story. Following sharing the book each child drew a picture of their favourite part of the story.

Here is a link to the book you can share at home.



In Phonics we have learnt new sounds: h ( child running out of puff) b (hitting a ball with a bat) f (puffing up a beach ball) l (licking a lolly)

This video will reinforce the sounds taught this week



In Maths we have been comparing quantities. We have been spotting quantities that are the same, different, more and less, equal and using this language to compare.

This video has some great games you could play at home to reinforce this skill:



Have a great week

EYFs / Year 1 team.


Year 1

This week we have looked at a new class book ‘ Journey’ This book has no words so we had to look at the pictures to create the story. Following sharing the story children discussed and recorded the part of the story they liked, disliked, connections and puzzles. We have completed a story S to retell the story in order. We are looking forward to writing the story next week.

Here is a link to the book you can share at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRsmuveKWuk


In phonics we have started to learn about split vowel diagraphs – this video explains what split vowel diagraphs are.


This game can be played to read words with split vowel diagraphs.

https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=5 (Select a-e, i-e, u-e, o-e, e-e) .



In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. This is a catchy song to teach the children the names of the shapes. Enjoy


We have been naming and describing 3D shapes. This game can be used to match 3d shapes
