Term 2 week 4


This week we have continued to look at our ‘Journey’ book. We have used a story S to draw pictures in order to retell the story.

Here is the link to the story below:


Can your child retell the story in order? What happened first? At the start? At the end of the story? Who were the characters?

We have also been busy learn lots of songs for our nativity.

In phonics we have been learning new sounds j (wobble like jelly) v (drive a van) w (out of breath after running a race) x (xray)

This video recaps these sounds


In Maths this week, the children will begin to explore composition by focusing on the preliminary skills: the concept of ‘wholes’ and ‘parts’. At home  you could complete a simple jigsaw puzzles with the children. Have we got all the parts we need to complete the whole puzzle?



This week we will be using our Story S to write the Journey story. We will be encouraging the children to use story language in their stories e.g. Once upon a time, Suddenly, Next, Finally. As well as descriptive adjectives eg. the tall boy, the green elegant giant.


in Phonics we have been learning split vowel digraph sounds e-e and u-e. Here is a game you can play to practice these sounds


(Select e-e and u-e sounds)


In Maths we have been naming and sorting 2d shapes according to their properties e.g. all the shapes with 4 sides, all the shapes with corners.

We have also been continuing shape patterns. Here is a game to practice this:




Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4 Term 2 week 4