Term 2- Week 4&5

Week 4 & 5

We’ve had a very busy couple of weeks!

In English we have been writing the Stickman story. We have been so impressed by the language choices used and detail remembered when writing the whole story!

Term 2- Week 4&5

As Scientists we had great fun carrying out a rain cloud experiment. We then talked about how the water cycle works and explained it to our friends.


 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5


As Geographers we found out about Scotland and Northern Ireland. We talked about the capital cities and famous landmarks, we created our own tartans and had fun highland dancing. We’ve used all of our new knowledge of the UK to make a leaflet.

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about the names and properties of 2D shapes. We have then started learning about measurement and used vocab such as ‘short, tall and long’. EYFS have been doing parts and wholes, looking at what parts we can see inside wholes.

Term 2- Week 4&5

We have been busy in phonics learning new sounds. Year one have learned: aw, wh, ph ew, oe, au and ey. EYFS have learned y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, and th.


Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5

Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5

Term 2- Week 4&5

Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5 Term 2- Week 4&5