Term 3- Week 2

Week 2

What a lovely week!

Rainbow Class started their week off with a lovely History walk around the village to begin our new enquiry ‘How has Uphill changed through time?’. We looked at the church, walked through the woods and beach and then finished off by walking up the hill. We were very lucky to be joined by a visitor from Heritage England and learnt lots about the local area. Saturn and Sunshine then went for their walk on Wednesday and got to see the village. When we were back we discussed our first loop of our new enquiry which is ‘What is Uphill like now?’.

In maths, Year 1 have been looking at subtraction. We have used lots of different resources to help us such as number lines and tens frames.

EYFS children’s writing this week was amazing! We wrote about what we saw on our walk. Year 1 did the same as a recount, using time connectives to make sure it was in chronological order.

As Artists we learned about a new artist called as we start our new term on painting.


Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2

Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2 Term 3- Week 2