Term 3- Week 5
Week 5
As Historians this week we have enjoyed looking at the different houses in Uphill. We looked at a modern house and compared it to the house with the thatched roof by the church. We then looked at what kinds of jobs people living in Uphill used to have.
In English this week we continued with our story ‘What did the tree see?’ this week by thinking about the life cycle of a tree. We read a story called ‘little acorn’ which showed us how the oak tree could have been planted in the first place. We then sequenced, planned and wrote instructions on how to plant an oak tree.
In EYFS phonics we have been reinforcing phonemes: ch, sh, th, ng
In Year 1 phonics this week we have been reinforcing our split digraphs: a-e, e-e, i-e and o-e (cake, Pete, kite, bone)
In Maths Year 1 have been looking at time. We started by looking at the language we used such as ‘in the morning, later, after, next, after lunch etc and the days of the week. We then looked at an analogue clock and discussed where each hand is when it’s o’clock.
As artists we used different tools to create pictures inspired by Kandinsky, the artist who we have been learning about.