Term 3- Week 5
Week 5
What another exciting week in EYFS/Year 1!
This week in phonics Year 1 have been recapping split vowel digraph: a-e, i-e, o-e, e-e. EYFS have been recapping ch, sh, th, ng.
As mathematicians we have been learning to subtract using numbers to 20. We have learnt counting back using a number line e.g. 17 – 5 As well as using our number bond knowledge e.g. If we know 5 – 4 1. Then we know 15 – 1 = 14. EYFS have been comparing numbers of sets, without being diverted by colour, shape or size. We’ve used words such as more, less, fewer and equal. They have also been looking at the composition of 6,7 and 8, focusing on ‘5 and a bit’.
A writers this week we read Mrs Armitage on wheels and discussed what we would add to our bike if we were in the book! We have also learned about the correct use of exclamation marks, ready to use in our story writing next week.
As Geographers we looked at a compass directions. We then had a go at using compasses and maps to move around the front playground giving directions.
We have enjoyed finding out about the different emergency services and what their roles in society are. We have learned to call “999” if we need them.
We have also practised the valuable skill of zipping up our coats.