Term 4- Week 2

Week 2

What a fantastic week in EYFS and Year 1.

This week in phonics we have been recapping sounds: oo,ar, or and ur and Year 1 have been learning alternative pronunciations for ‘o’ and ‘u’.

In Maths this week, Year 1 continued learning about place value, building and making 2 digit numbers before using more and les symbols to compare them.

In English we read the story ‘In every house on every street’. We learned about adjectives and then used our new knowledge to describe the different houses in the story.

Term 4- Week 2

As Scientists we looked at the properties of different materials and sorted them into groups after describing what they were like. We then started looking at materials being human made or natural.


  Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2

Term 4- Week 2

The EYFS children enjoyed playing maths games this week and using paint to learn about symmetry!

 Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2

 Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2 Term 4- Week 2