Term 4- Week 4

Week 4

In phonics Year 1 have been learning alternative pronunciations: ou (you), ou (could, mould) , y (by), y (gym). EYFS have been revisiting sounds: oo (book, zoom) ar ( car) or ( sword) ur ( curl).

In Maths we have been counting in tens and solving problems using our knowledge. EYFS have been exploring doubles and saying the stem sentence: double __ is. ___ and ___ is ____. It was also the ‘Big day of maths’ this week so we enjoyed lots of fantastic activities including a ‘ways to make 10 challenge’.

In English we have enjoyed joining in and acting out our new story ‘ We’re going on an egg hunt’ We have drawn pictures on a story S to retell the story. Here is a link to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZgXcZAF9PA 

Term 4- Week 4

As Historians we have looked at the differences between the first computers and the computers we have now. We also had great fun recreating the first computer game ‘pong.’


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