Term 5- Week 1
Week 1
Welcome back, we can’t believe it is term 5 already! We hope you all had a lovely break. We have had a fantastic first week back at school. We have been lucky enough to enjoy some sunshine outside this week!
In maths we have been looking at equal and unequal groups.
EYFS have been doing some subitizing activities.
As Historians we have introduced our new enquiry ‘How has Uphill Changed over time?’. We discussed what we already know and what we would like to find out? Some of our questions included-
“How big was the school?”
“How old is the new church?”
“What cars did people have in the old days?”
“What has changed at the park?”
Our PSHE this term is ‘relationships’ and this week we looked at different families. We had different animal family cards and had to find our other animal family members!