Term 5- Week 3
Week 3
We have had a lovely week learning about and celebrating the coronation! We have had lots of fun activities including a special lunch today outside.
This week in phonics Year 1 have been learning alternative spellings: /s/(house) /z/(please) /u/ (some)/i/ (happy) whilst EYFS have been looking at words ending st (lost) sk ending (musk) ct ending (duct) pt ending (adapt) xt ending (next).
In English we have started a new book ‘ The three little pigs’ . We have drawn story s pictures to help us remember the story and added story language whilst Year 1 started adding some adjectives too. Next week we are going to start to work on adapting the story.
As scientists we have been learning about natural and man made materials. We have sorted these into 2 groups and discussed things that are made from both.