Term 6- Week 4

We have had a lovely week this week welcoming our new EYFS in for their stay and plays. The children were brilliant role models and made the new ones feel safe and welcome!

In English we have enjoyed our new story ‘Tad’.  Following this we wrote a letter to Tad to give him advice and cheer him up!

Term 6- Week 4

As Scientists we have been finding out how animals care for their young and how we can keep ourselves healthy.

Term 6- Week 4

In Maths we have been investigating the mass (weight) of different objects. We have found out that even though an object might be big, it could be light in weight. EYFS have been recognising doubles, even and odd numbers and dividing numbers into two groups.

Term 6- Week 4


As Artists we have started making animals masks. We used paper mache to create some bases for our masks ready to paint next week.


.Term 6- Week 4 Term 6- Week 4 Term 6- Week 4 Term 6- Week 4