Term 6- Week 7

Week 7

We can’t believe it’s the last week of the year! What a lovely one it has been. This week has been particularly busy!

We continued writing our Jack and the Beanstalk stories and have produced some amazing writing. Year 1s have been recapping time, looking at half past and o’clock.

We enjoyed a string quintet as a end of year treat on Thursday. We watched some very talented musicians and learnt a lot about the instruments they were playing.


Term 6- Week 7

Term 6- Week 7


We also had our awards assembly and we loved watching our friends be celebrated for their achievements. We wish we could have given everyone an award as they all deserved one very much!

As scientists we have been continue our learning about plants and this week were sorting plants into evergreen and deciduous plants.


 Term 6- Week 7 Term 6- Week 7 Term 6- Week 7

Term 6- Week 7 Term 6- Week 7