Term 3- Week 3

Week 3

What another lovely, packed week in EYFS/ Year 1!
This week in phonics we have reinforcing j, v, w, x and Year 1 have been revisiting aw, ew, wh and ph.

This week in maths EYFS have been consolidating their understanding of the composition of 5. Composing and decomposing numbers involves the children investigating part–part–wholes  e.g. seeing that 5 can be made of 3 and 2.
Year 1s have been looking at number lines to 20. We have been answering questions such as; if you have a number line that starts at 10 and finishes at 20, what number would be in the middle? We then compared numbers to 20 using our symbols: <>=.

Term 3- Week 3 Term 3- Week 3

In English we have been using time connectives e.g. First, next, then, after that.
We then used time connectives to write a recount following our Geographers walk around the village. We had a fantastic time seeing what physical and human features we have here in Uphill.

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Term 3- Week 3

We have enjoyed exploring maps and used Google Earth to zoom in and see Uphill and places within it that we recognised. We have talked about what is in our local area and how places are similar and different.

Term 3- Week 3

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As Scientists we have been learning about where rain comes form. After learning about the water cycle last week, we visited last lessons learning before predicting what might happen in our rain cloud experiment!

 Term 3- Week 3

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In PE this week we went to the jungle to warm up! We pretended to be different animals that came up on the animal dice and then followed our friend’s ideas as well, moving in different ways. Then we tried a seated balance and moved onto the challenge of balancing whilst moving a cone from one side to the other.

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In computing this week we have been practising our mouse control. We clicked on different buttons on the desktop and then used paint to show our control.

Term 3- Week 3 Term 3- Week 3