Week beg: 10.1.22


This week we have been thinking about the changes in seasons and the cold weather we can have during the winter months.

As part of our enquiry topic this term ‘ How has technology changed’ we looked at a new book called’ The Robot and the bluebird.’

Here is the link if you wanted to share this story at home : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwoZ5ZVpfIU

In phonics we have been practicing previously learned letters and sounds  ck, j, s and f.

We have been Practicing reading tricky words: I, go, no, to, the, into

Here is a song to practice these words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0


In Maths this week, the children will use their perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in increasingly complex arrangements, moving from dots in a line and arrangements of 2, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. For larger quantities, the children will begin to use skills of conceptual subitising, beginning to quickly see the sub-groups within these larger numbers.

Children will work on their recognition of numerals to 5, matching numerals to correct quantities in various games.

Towards the end of the week, the children will use a number track to play dice-based games.

At home you could use a standard dice and chalked tracks for jumping/hopping games outside. Reinforce the recognition of numerals by saying the number reached. Stand on your starting place… and take 2 jumps. Oh look! You’re on number 5 now!


Year 1

This week we have been scientists and finding out how snow is formed.

As part of our enquiry topic this term ‘ How has technology changed’ we looked at a new book called’ The Robot and the bluebird.’

Here is the link if you wanted to share this story at home : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwoZ5ZVpfIU


As part of our enquiry topic we found out about the first tv. Can your child tell you some facts about the first tv?

In Phonics we have been  teaching reading and spelling of u_e, aw, ou

We have recapped reading of sight words that have been taught: said and come.

Can you children practice spotting these words in their books at home? Can they write them in chalk or paint them to remember how to spell them.

In Maths we have been leaning how to subtract.

If there were 14 birds and 7 flew away . How many were left? We have been recording our answers as crossing out pictures / number sentences and part part wholes. We have also introduced how to use a number line to subtract numbers.


Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22 Week beg: 10.1.22