Week beg: 17.1.22


This week we have been finding out about the first Tv broadcasts. We have enjoyed creating our on TV set boxes and acting out TV programs as a group.


In Phonics we have learnt new sounds: ch (train moving along ) sh ( sh baby asleep)

Here is a game you cna play at home to practice these sounds.



In Maths we have been finding out ‘how many’ objects there are.  The children will also revisit the concept of cardinality – that the last number in the count tells us how many things there are ALTOGETHER. We will be ordering numbers and towers to correspond form 1 to 5. Can you build Lego towers at home for each number 1 to 5 – can you place them in the correct order?




This week we have been finding out about the first Tv broadcasts. We have enjoyed creating our on TV set boxes and acting out TV programs as a group. Can your child tell you when the first TV broadcast was? What was it about?


In Phonics we have started to learn alternate pronunciations for ‘a’, ‘o’ ‘i’ e.g. bacon, acorn, table, so, no, go, find, sky, my,


In Maths we have been looking at the link between addition and subtraction. We have been using our symbols <, > and = to compare. See attached example of a question we have completed this week.

Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22 Week beg: 17.1.22