Week Beg 7th February.



This week we have been reviewing all our learnign about the past. We have been thinking about key questions linked to our enquiry project – what is a Historian? How have things changed from the past? We have also been inventors and creating our own future inventions!

In Phonics we have been learning to read and spell words containing new sounds: oo (zoo, cook), ar (park), or (fork)

We have been using our phonic skills to read two syllable words – cobweb, weekend, boatman, zigzag .

We are learning new sight word: was

Her is a link to a song to practice help learn the 2 different ‘oo’ sounds.



In Maths this week we will focus on further developing this innate skill as the children are encouraged to focus exclusively on the number in the  sets, without being diverted by colour, shape or size. They will then be encouraged to notice when quantities are equal or unequal, and will begin to consider how they can manipulate the number of objects in 2 sets to make them equal.

Language is a key focus and adults will need to reinforce the language of ‘more than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘an equal number’ to describe how many objects there are in each set. ‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’, as the focus is on countable things.

An idea to practise this at home:

Place a small pile of counters in front of your child .  Ask your child to take a handful of counters and you take a handful. We’re going to play a game where we all try to have an equal number of counters. Let’s show each other how many counters we have in our hands. Who has more/who has fewer? How can we sort things out so that we all have an equal number of counters? [Some children may want to use toys to play the game for them.]



This week we have been reviewing all our learnign about the past. We have been thinking about key questions linked to our enquiry project – what is a Historian? How have things changed from the past? We have also been inventors and creating our own future inventions!


In Maths we have been recapping reading the time to the hour and starting to learn to read the time to half past.

This website game can be used to practise these skills.



In Phonics we have been learning alternative pronunciation for c e.g. icy, camel. Alternative pronunciation for ea eg. deaf, delay. Alternative pronunciation for a e.g. fast, bath and a making o sound e.g. wasp, was.


Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February. Week Beg 7th February.